Superb Reflex Twice: The Minolta SR-T 101 - A Gallery

Superb Reflex Twice: The Minolta SR-T 101 - A Gallery

I just expended time, effort, and brain cells (Ok, that last part may be debatable) to reason why an SR-T 200 is for all intents and purposes, just as usable as an SR-T 101, and then I seem to contradict myself with this posting showing images taken with that very camera.  Am I that much a hypocrite?

In actuality, I'm proving my own point.  The following images were shot with an SR-T 101, and upon reviewing them, I can readily attest that every one of them would have been just as easy to have captured on the SR-T 200.  And I can speak of this having shot both models of camera.

So how did I wind up with an SR-T 101 after making the case for the underdog camera that is the 200?  It's simple really.  The lens.  I spotted this camera for a bargain price with a Minolta Rokkor 28mm wide angle lens attached, so it seemed like a perfect pickup, and it was.  It's a great camera, but so is the model 200 in nearly every way.

Since both the 101 and 200 model will meter down as low as ASA 6, this seemed the perfect chance to shoot another roll of Mr. Brown LOW ISO film on a week in mid-November.  Yet again, this film is increasingly showing itself as a great medium that allows some great strengths: namely limited depth of field photos as well as daytime time exposures!  The following shots were taken with both the 45mm and 28mm lenses and made for a great time out shooting.  Enjoy! 

First shot taken with the both the SR-T 101 and with the 28mm lens in late afternoon light.  I'd forgotten how easy it is to accidentally "appear" in your pictures with wide angle lenses.  I guess this shot is sort of like that first "tester pancake."

A couple of shots with the 45mm lens at Germantown Train Station.  The film and camera combine to provide some great images.

Below are a few shots taken at a newly discovered "ghost" site not far from my home. This was once the entry drive to a grand hotel, and the drive and gateway remain.  The rest of the property is now a retirement community. 

Gold Mine Road is a favorite haunt of mine, and can be seen in some of my recent photos with both the Konica C35 EF as well as the SR-T 200.  I'd never noticed this odd water wheel sitting on the side of the road, which makes for great photographic fodder!

On a windy day, I shot this wide open on the 45mm to get a slightly soft but very nostalgic shot. 

I switched to the 28mm for this shot.  At least my shadow didn't impede this one! 

I hadn't featured the Law Enforcement Memorial and its lions lately, so it seemed only fitting to fit some of the setting into my shots with the 28mm lens. 

The curved stairs of an abandoned building in Chinatown provides a great setting for a shaded scene to really highlight both the sharpness of the Rokkor lens as well as the tonality of the Mr. Brown film.

One of a few time exposures taken in Washington with the wide angle lens.  On second thought, I'd have preferred movement around the bus when it was stopped to bring the attention more to it.

An old church in Rocky Springs near Frederick makes a nice scene, if only it wasn't encroached by more modern elements.

Rested on a bench to make an impromptu tripod, I took a 1/2 second exposure, and the result came out just as I wished, looking like every bit of a vintage exposure.  The day was quite windy, causing the slight blur in the tree limbs. 

Shot from a location close to the above, but with a "normal" exposure time, I actually prefer the longer exposure shot.

Another 28mm shot shows very impressive sharpness.  I'd used a slow shutter speed to blur the flag that was blowing, but it is barely evident.

A 1 second exposure shot stopped down on the 28mm renders a visually impressive result.

In another long exposure, a cyclist is nearly invisible, while buses become long blurs. 

Meeting the middle between "time exposure" and "wide open" is this shot taken at about f/8 with a 1/15 second setting.  The result is quite sharp, thanks to tripod mounting.

The white stone on the Carnegie Library came out overexposed.  I need to heed my own advice to rate this film at ISO 12 in brightly lit scenes.  

Overall, a very good roll from all that I can see, and I'm very glad that I have a decent amount of this film at the ready for future shooting, as well as two great cameras that can meter for such slow speeds and give outstanding results from it! 

This is the article Superb Reflex Twice: The Minolta SR-T 101 - A Gallery this time, hopefully can benefit for you all. well, see you in other article post.

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